The College of Wooster's student-run newspaper since 1883.


A Home Imagined

Henry Walter-Wilde ’27 I am from long walks around the farm spent dreaming of infinity. I’m from every castle I ever built, thousands of blocks stacked up high. I’m from my mom’s laptop, where I did and missed so much. I’m from every magic spell …


What have I lost Since

Robbie Kugler ’27 Where is home? Home is hidingProblems with comfortAnd memories.So many memories thatWe love to forget.So many thingsWe leave behind. It’s like Giovanni said.You always have a home to go back to,As long as you never go back.You’re always welcome, unlessYou’re not. What …


Where I’m From

Sinclaire Gibson ’27 I am from words, From books and from literature. I am from the stories I read as a child. (Noble princes saving damsels in distress. Talking gnomes and spiteful elves.) I am from the poetry that sat on our dining room shelves, …