One of the less frequently mentioned consequences of the Great Recession was a sharp decline in children being born. As we approach 2026, 18 years after the recession began, the number of high school graduates choosing to attend college will peak and subsequently begin a …
Letters to the Editor
Letter to the Editor: Economics beyond the individual
Luke Shimada Contributing Writer Re: “Economic inequality and our planet” by Ethan Hunt (Jan. 26) Hunt’s article is absolutely riveting, and much like a rivet, they’re a dime a dozen. Hunt begins by posing a hypothetical, “Haven’t we all fantasized about being rich…?”, a generalizing …
Responses to Thomas’ Tiers
Ben Rozner Contributing Writer Thomas Pitney has once again proven himself a sham and a rabble-rouser as he formulated a fabulously fraudulent tier list, this time centered around beverages. After reviewing the rankings, I am convinced that Mr. Pitney has consumed nothing but Five-Hour Energy …
Letter to the editor responds to alumni concerns about Scot Council
Olivia Proe To the editor: As incoming president of Scot Council, I would like to take this opportunity to address the concerns some of our alumni have voiced regarding the new governing body. I am proud of the governing body that students have worked so …
Letter to the Editors
To Whom It May Concern: I am writing in response to last week’s article outlining the pro-life vs. pro-choice debacle on campus. Primarily, I wanted to comment on a statement made by Ms. Christo of the k(NO)w organization. In her statement, Ms. Christo expressed concern …
a response to Robin Klaus’ “Dorms are not dumps”
Letter to the Editor Written as a response to Robin Klaus’ “Dorms are not dumps” in the Nov. 16 issue of the Voice. Upon reading the “Dorms are not dumps” article, I took a moment to analyze what I just viewed. The humorous introduction …