Mukta Pillai Science Editor On Friday, Sept. 27, the Office of Sustainability hosted Party for the Planet, an intended outdoor festival promoting environmental consciousness. Not even the rain could stop this party, as individuals trekked through rain to join the festivities at The Alley. “I …
Wiener dogs flown, pig macs destroyed and sausage thrown: Woosterfest 2024
Claire Allison McGuire Features Editor “Kommit eins, kommt alle” to Woosterfest! The 41st annual Woosterfest took place last weekend Sept. 27 and 28 in downtown Wooster. The event, modeled after the traditional German festival of Oktoberfest, drew locals, students and visitors to the city. Woosterfest …
September 19th
by Nate Hanson ’28 Warm September night,Streetlights painting the night,Concrete on my skin. Two souls whispered through the dark,Things heavy, Sink in the daylight. He needs me, I need him,Is this magic?
The Tragedy of Erasmus and Demetrius (Excerpt)
by Liam McGinley ’28 Peeta groaned, shaking his head. He gazed at the shell of his once kind lover in front of him. Felix did the same. They grew weaker. Arms went limp and hands cramped as exhaustion overtook the couple. Peeta couldn’t push Felix …
by Gianna Hayes ’26 And it was a sort of magic, the way the summer used to drag on spinning dizzy like the tire swing which whirled you ’round ’til perhaps you felt queasy. (I know I did.)Yes, it was some magic, how the blue-blurred …