My senior roommate has been in a terrible mood the past two weeks because she is trying to finish her I.S. before spring break, and still has twenty pages to go. I need advice on how to support her during crunch time. – Scared of …
Dear COWnselor… Soft Launch or Hard Launch?
Dear COWnselor, I got into a relationship a few weeks ago, and have yet to debut my new beau on Instagram. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, do you think it is better to soft launch or hard launch? – Conflicted Cupid Dear Conflicted Cupid, Our …
Dear COWnselor… elections and roommates
With the presidential election approaching, I am increasingly worried about the climate in my dorm during and after election night. I live in a small double room in Holden with a random roommate who outspokenly supports the opposite candidate than I do. How do I …
Dear COWnselor… Lowry Etiquette
I am a first year, and in the first few weeks of classes, I have only been to Lowry Dining Hall a handful of times. I am just too afraid to eat there, so I end up eating something from the C-Store each night. Can …
Ask the COWnselor! – Sept. 6
Dear COWnselor:Last Friday, I was in line at Old Main Café when I was accosted by a hideous stench. One of the gentlemen in front of me was wearing the most offensive cologne. How should I alert this gentleman to his putrid odor while keeping …