Jackson Lovchuk Contributing Writer On Jan. 1, 2020 Hip Hop artist Lil Wayne released his thirteenth studio album “Funeral.” Shortly after, on Jan. 9, 2020, “Funeral” became Lil Wayne’s fifth studio album to reach number one on the billboard charts. Many artists struggle to maintain …
Arts & Entertainment
Mrs. Maisel breaks hearts
Saralee Renick While other students crammed and studied for finals, two of my friends and I were busy watching season three of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” I regret nothing. In a small study room in Ruth Williams, we cried, we laughed, we kvetched. This season …
“Night of One-Acts” cast member reflects on experience
Teresa Ascencio Contributing Writer On Thursday, Feb. 6 and Friday, Feb. 7, the Theatre and Dance Department held their “Night of One-Acts,” a night of thrilling performances and an opportunity to witness the many facets of student talent — particularly in the arts — through …
“Just Mercy” reflects on racial injustice
Korri Palmer Senior Staff Writer Warning: Spoilers ahead On most Tuesdays, I attempt to either do homework like every other Wooster student, hopefully, or I challenge myself to participate in self-care. Last Tuesday, thanks to the Allen Scholar Committee, I was able to attend the …
“Sex Education” season two is relatable to many
Megan Tuennerman A&E Editor Our education can continue! After a long hiatus from “Sex Education,” viewers can rest assured that not only can they hunker down and finally continue watching, but also that season two continues to be fantastically cringe-worthy yet endearing, while approaching important …
Top Ten movies of 2019
Colin Tobin 2019 was an amazing year for movies, and I had a really tough time making this list. Before I start with my list, I wanted to give credit to some honorable mentions. These are movies that I really loved but I just couldn’t …