Brimmer Morrison Contributing Writer Lately, the old heads of the West Coast have been fairly quiet. A whole bunch are making ads, producing their own wine and getting money. Shared on SnoopDogg TV on Oct. 20, the official music video for the song “Big …
Arts & Entertainment
A Reflection on Halloween’s Covers
Colin Schrein Contributing Writer This past Saturday night, Oct. 30, packed into the beloved Underground (UG) were sweaty, costume-clad students all joining together for this month’s Covers show. Covers is a monthly event organized by the Goliard Literary Magazine where students can sign up …
“Dune” is an Experience Created for Theaters
Colin Tobin Chief Copy Editor “Dune” was directed by Denis Villeneuve and is based on the first half of Frank Herbert’s classic sci-fi novel. It stars Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Momoa and Zendaya, as well as many others. Set in the …
Anime Recommendations: A Place to Start
Pookar Chand Contributing Writer Anime is something most people have heard about but don’t know much about. In a quick and dirty summation, anime is just animation from Japan. Although there are increasing amounts of anime being produced outside of Japan, that is a …
“The Rocky Horror Picture Show”: A Cultural Icon
Haley Huett A&E Entertainment If you’re cool and regularly attend Wooster Activities Crew (WAC) events, then you probably saw “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” this past Saturday, Oct. 23. If you didn’t, there might be something wrong with you. In the spirit of Halloween, …
Mental Illness Awareness Week
Mental illness mentions. Art will be posted in the layout. Pieces with unlisted authors are anonymous. Pity, Pinball, and the Perception of ADHD Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, a relatively common neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of difficulty focusing, lack of self-restraint, and general restlessness and fidgeting. (This …