Korri Palmer

Senior Staff Writer

I would like to start by saying if you sympathize with Joe, you may want to seek therapy … soon. While watching the second season of “You,” I attempted to keep track of how many times Joe, the protagonist, lost his mind and did exactly what he swore he wasn’t going to do. Oh, and if you haven’t finished the show yet, leave now because the spoilers will be spilled.

My first observation: why do New Yorkers always escape to Los Angeles when they get in trouble? L.A. does not want your stalker, insane behavior in their already low-key insane environment. Anyway, Joe reached a new level of insanity, as he shipped his weird glass box cross country just to attempt to never use it again but then utilized it two (arguably three) times within the season. But in all honesty, I want this review to be about all the crazy co-stars who we low-key minimized because of Joe’s extreme obsession with literally everyone but himself.

First, we have Ellie, your average teenager who is obsessed with social media a little too early, but it’s also fine because at least she’s social. This child truly is the epitome of being adorable but completely clueless. If a celebrity allows you to be his intern, and he’s significantly older than you, why in the world would you spend time at his house, alone?! Especially when there are rumors of him being a low-key rapist. I hope she gets some therapy soon; she witnessed too much too young.

Second, we have Forty Quinn, Love’s very irresponsible and completely victimized brother. Forty is honestly the annoying friend who you care about but just will not stop making decisions that make him look desperate, stupid or both. Mentally, Forty is the same age as Ellie, in that he depends on others for social and mental approval of literally all of his ideas, except for the one where he gives Joe four doses of acid. (Also common sense, if you’re a drug user, you take half a tab, or a full one if you’re really into it.) Next, Forty honestly is the insecure boyfriend who you think is cool at first because he depends on you, but then he quickly gets annoying because he wants to cuddle all the time. Honestly, my advice to Forty is to take whatever is left in his trust fund and move to a secluded island for a solid year, or five, so he can learn about himself and come back as Bruce Wayne (for you Batman folks) or something.

Last, our favorite, our toxic queen, our lowkey psychopath, the method behind all the madness, Love. Her entire existence throughout the film is a metaphor, a literal personification of the emotion or action we define as love. Love makes you do crazy things, and once you meet the right, or in this case, wrong person, love will really expose you for the secretly crazy person you are. Love was warm in the beginning, soft and super deep because of all of her trauma. As she maintained these characteristics through the season, those emotions were rooted in her excuses as to why she became a murderer at such a young age. Honestly, I called it from episode three when she just seemed so in love with Joe because, truly, Joe isn’t that amazing, but secrets attract secrets and crazy definitely attracts crazy.

The toxic behavior in me is secretly satisfied that Joe met his match because Love plays no games, and she’s pregnant?! This baby might be the next big-time serial killer, or possibly Houdini. I guess only time … or season, like, 10 of this corny, yet irritating show will tell.