Select inmates cleared for release in prison

Seventy-five of the 223 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay detention facility have been cleared for release by the Obama Administration. Obama has set a Jan. 22 deadline for the closure of the detention facility, but as each prisonerís case is being individually reviewed by an administration task force, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates admits the deadline might not be met.

The task force determines whether the prisoners will go to trial or be released to their home countries or third-party nations for resettlement.† Thirty of the 75 released had previously had their cases dismissed, but were held in the detention facility until they were accepted for resettlement.

Customer sues Bank of America Corporation

Dalton Chisholm, a disgruntled Bank of America customer, has sued the corporation for $1,784 billion trillion. The suit, filed in August, concerns Chisholmís frustration with ìinconsistent information” from the bankís customer service telephone hotline and claims Chisholmís checks bounced due to incomplete routing numbers.

A U.S. District Judge called the suit ìincomprehensible” and gave Chisholm until Oct. 23 to justify the suit; if Chisholm does not comply, his suit will be dismissed.