Dear COWnselor, I am about to head out for two weeks and stay at home for my spring break. What is your advice for returning to school from spring break recharged and ready to finish the semester strong? Dear Springbreaker, Making it to spring break …
Dear COWnselor… Soft Launch or Hard Launch?
Dear COWnselor, I got into a relationship a few weeks ago, and have yet to debut my new beau on Instagram. With Valentine’s Day quickly approaching, do you think it is better to soft launch or hard launch? – Conflicted Cupid Dear Conflicted Cupid, Our …
Dear COWnselor… elections and roommates
With the presidential election approaching, I am increasingly worried about the climate in my dorm during and after election night. I live in a small double room in Holden with a random roommate who outspokenly supports the opposite candidate than I do. How do I …
Dear COWnselor… Lowry Etiquette
I am a first year, and in the first few weeks of classes, I have only been to Lowry Dining Hall a handful of times. I am just too afraid to eat there, so I end up eating something from the C-Store each night. Can …
New bagpiper sculpture unveiled between Lowry Student Center and Scot Center
Audrey Pantaz Contributing Writer A large bronze effigy has welcomed students back to campus from the back patio of Lowry Center. Before the fall 2024 semester began, The College of Wooster unveiled an eight-foot-tall sculpture titled “The Piper” located between Papp Stadium and Lowry Center. …
Ask the COWnselor! – Sept. 6
Dear COWnselor:Last Friday, I was in line at Old Main Café when I was accosted by a hideous stench. One of the gentlemen in front of me was wearing the most offensive cologne. How should I alert this gentleman to his putrid odor while keeping …