I would like to personally let you know how much I appreciate all the articles on the upcoming election. Since it is in fact, such an important election, this kind of coverage is most certainly necessary. I’ve found all of your articles very interesting, especially the ones regarding Sarah Palin.

As an American woman, it’s such an unfortunate and quite frankly, an insulting nomination and it is crucial to alert the public just what kind of woman she is. Against sex education, birth control, environmental protection, alternative energy development, gun control, and the separation of church and state, Sarah Palin is clearly a destructive choice as the potential Vice President of America.

So thank you, Wooster Voice, for doing your part to shed the light on some much needed truth to the public.

Emma Popovich


Note from the Editor: We at The Wooster Voice are proud to provide the Wooster campus with a source of relevant political news as well as a forum to engage in intellectual debate, discuss conflicting ideas and promote diverse values during the 2008 presidential election. The Wooster Voice strives to provide equal news coverage of both candidates, and we welcome articles and letters from every political vantage point. We do not endorse or oppose any candidate or stance, and we hope that, as the campaign continues, we can publish a range of opinions as diverse as the student body itself.