Emma Barnard

Contributing Writer

I write today as one of many coming to complain about a much discussed topic: meal plans. As a rising senior, I was lucky enough to get housing that had something I’ve been looking forward to since I started living in dorms: my own kitchen. I’ve been browsing Pinterest for recipes and thrifting casserole dishes, excited to start experimenting and cooking for myself. However, a rule that didn’t seem so constricting freshman year is now coming to light. Anyone living in campus housing — including apartments and houses — is required to purchase a meal plan. 

I understand that it is important to have meal plans available for anyone who would like to purchase one, but I don’t understand why it’s obligatory. If we want and are able to provide our own food outside of campus dining services, then why shouldn’t we be allowed to? I would like to do my own shopping, look for deals and spend my money on ingredients to make my own food rather than purchase swipes. I have taken to scrolling the parents’ Facebook groups and talking to friends who have already tried to get out of this, only to come to the conclusion that, if I want to cook my own meals, I will likely end up paying for a campus dining plan and a supplementary grocery bill made up of foods not available at the C-Store. 

Other schools, like Bowling Green State University, allow students to live in apartments and not be enrolled in a dining plan. I know that Wooster is different, as we are much smaller and offer predominantly on-campus living; however, I still think that we should be able to provide our own food if we would like. We should not be beholden to a meal plan if we don’t want to be on one.

Do you think that the College should give students greater ability to opt out of the meal plan? Send a brief letter — roughly 120 words — to the Viewpoints Editors at zperrier25@wooster.edu and rharris25@wooster.edu expressing your thoughts.

Written by

Zach Perrier

Zach Perrier is a Viewpoints Editor for the Wooster Voice. He is from Mentor, Ohio and currently is a junior History major.