By Frank Adams

I don’t want to speak for everyone on this, but this past semester was very good and productive for me. I figured out what I wanted my majors to be, and I generally had a good time. But this whole time, and I think I can speak for the whole student body when I say this: bring back mac ’n cheese bites. This madness has gone on too long. After a long day of classes, regular Lowry, working out and doing homework, I could always count on heading over to Mom’s around 7:30 and enjoying a nice order of a cheese quesadilla and mac ’n cheese bites and enjoying the crispiness along with the gooey, cheesy inside.

The effect of there being no mac ’n cheese bites at Mom’s has clearly showed in my buying habits. I used to go to Mom’s at least once every two days; now I’m lucky if I even go to Mom’s once during the week. I also know this is a big problem for other students at the College. A lot of people complain about there being no mac ’n cheese bites and go to Mom’s less as well. To improve profits and the spirits of the students at The College of Wooster, I implore that we integrate mac ’n cheese bites back into the diet for the betterment of the student population.

The lack of mac ’n cheese bites came to my attention on a trip I took with my parents where I was able to buy the bites from a local place in a Pennsylvania rest stop. In general, I have never seen mac ’n cheese bites before outside of Wooster, so this was a very groundbreaking moment for me. However, if they are popular enough to make it on the menu of a random rest stop in the middle of Pennsylvania, I feel like a group of 2,000 college students all in the same place, hungry at one in the morning, would definitely make them a good financial option for the school.

There are two possible ways that I see that we could re-implement the food back into Lowry. First, keep them as an option at the Grill that you could order, or have it be a regular food that is integrated with Basics. Another good option would be to start offering the mac ’n cheese bites at Mom’s again. This is, in my humble professional Lowry eater opinion, the best option. Mac ’n cheese bites belong at Mom’s, and we all know this. So, this message goes out to the people on SGA with the power to decide the food in Lowry, please bring back mac ’n cheese bites. Myself and a lot of other people would appreciate it.