Megan Tuennerman

Fans who are wed to the original “Four Weddings and a Funeral” movie may not fall in love with the T.V. show with the same name — but those who like the premise of the original will quickly find a new favorite in this show. 

A quick search on Hulu will find all 10 episodes of the show there to view (those who prefer to binge watch shows can rejoice, as the last episode only recently came out. It was aired an episode a week — much like traditional television, not the on demand binge-in-a-day shows we have come to love). That being said, the willingness of fans (myself included) to watch this show, despite the waits between episodes, speaks to its brilliance. 

An homage to romance films, “Four Weddings and a Funeral” incorporates traditional scenes we know and love (“Love Actually,” “Say Anything” and “Pride and Prejudice” fans especially pay attention) but with an updated version that does not seem worn out and tired in any way — which, as we know, is not the case for many remakes and shows that are based off of other, older movies. In my opinion, the credit for this difference largely goes to director Mindy Kaling. Kaling brought the familiar aspects of romance movies and merged them with a diverse cast and range of topics. Like her previous projects, she offers viewers her take on the experiences of Indian immigrants (and for that matter, other immigrants) — in this case in a British setting. 

Focusing on four old college friends — Maya, Ainsley, Craig and Duffy — the show follows their “adult” lives, as they have graduated and moved from their homes in the United States to London, England. As most of us learn, just because we graduate college, does not truly mean we have grown up. Learning to accept your oldest friends’ new friends or how to deal with emotions and relationships in a world of professions and consequences is something we do not often see portrayed in television. But “Four Weddings and a Funeral” is honest and there is a sense of relief while watching the show — as we see that the confusion and worry we face is valid. 

Simultaneously familiar and new, “Four Weddings and a Funeral” is a show that you can count on to make you feel happy. No show is perfect and this show is no exception; while it is admittedly fairly pedestrian and predictable, it incorporates a bit of suspense by keeping viewers guessing about who the four weddings will include. While the plots may not be wholly unique, the characters are relatable and that allows for a certain comfort to be found in the show. We all need a show that we enjoy and that does not cause stress — “Four Weddings and a Funeral” is that show. The next night that you need a quick hour to decompress from a long day of homework, find a Hulu account and search for “Four Weddings and a Funeral.”