Anya Cohen

Managing Editor

Are Woo Wednesdays becoming one big homework or alcohol induced blur? Are weekends starting to feel like the same party, only a different outfit? While we hate to call Wooster’s nightlife repetitive, any student would surely point out our B.S. if we praised the campus for its ragers. But before you get the Wooster bubble blues, let us kindly remind you of an alternative option oft forgotten.

Plenty of local Wooster restaurants regularly host events including karaoke, trivia, political debates and finger-licking food and drink specials. So before you opt for a night in, claiming there is nothing worth doing in this teeny, tiny town, mix it up with one of these off-campus evening activities.

Trivia night at Buffalo Wild Wings

Your Wooster educations may just pay for itself — depending on how often you dine on chicken wings — with the coupons that you can win from trivia at Buffalo Wild Wings. From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. every Wednesday, this greasy spoon will test your knowledge and serve up great deals on wings — buy five, get six free or buy 12, get 12 free of traditional wings, valid with your COW card. There’s no cover charge and no fee to play, so round up the gang and see who’s smartest. 4122 Burbank Rd.

Karaoke night at Olde Jaol Tavern

Scientifically speaking, we all sing better with a little alcohol in our system, right? The tavern at the Olde Jaol clearly kept this fact in mind when they priced their drink menu for Wednesday night karaoke. From 8 p.m. until 11 p.m., you can test your vocal chords — and the eardrums of the audience — alongside a live DJ, while sipping on $1 draft beers and $2 Long Island iced teas. Appetizers are half price, so order up pretzel bites and potato skins to munch on. 215 N. Walnut St.

Beer and wine tasting at Spoon Market

Unfortunately, as college students, our knowledge of wine and beer often doesn’t extend much further than taste bud searing Keystone and Yellow Tail. But now, thanks to Spoon Market’s beer and wine tasting, there is a fun and affordable fix to our unsophisticated pallets. Once a month, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Spoon Market offers four different wines or beers to taste for $10, along with hors d’oeuvres a plenty. Trivia is played, prizes are won and a wacky theme will dictate the evening. Join the eatery for their next tasting and trivia on Oct. 5, themed in honor of World Teacher’s Day. 147 S. Market St.

Karaoke night at The Shack

I’ll be darned if there is any combination better than cheap drinks, good food, karaoke and no need for a designated driver. At The Shack, on Wednesday nights, you can stick a checkmark by all the aforementioned descriptors. Starting at 9 p.m., swing by the basically on-campus joint for $4 Long Island iced teas, five Rolling Rocks for $5, dirt cheap pizza and nachos and the chance to belt out “Bye Bye Bye” with the weird kid from your math class. 21+ get in for free, and those who aren’t quite of age have a $5 cover. 437 E. Pine St.

Public debates at The First Amendment Public House

For all y’all pre law students — or those who just like to spit argument game — come learn, listen, speak your peace and enjoy tasty grub and drinks at First Amendment’s monthly public debate. Held at 7 p.m. on each month’s third Thursday, this eatery brings in guest speakers to help conduct a debate on a predetermined relevant issue, which, in the past, have ranged from gun control to birth control. Join them this month for their debate on Obama Care to fill your noggin with pertinent and useful healthcare knowledge. 150 W. Liberty St.