Brooke Skiba

Features Editor

Here at the College, everywhere you go students can be seen carrying mugs with the telling tea tag dangling from the side. Wooster is definitely a campus with a high population of tea-drinkers. But where can a student go to find out about new,  exciting teas that stand out from the typical C-Store Tazo brand? And is there a place where everyone can drink tea together? Caitlyn Trullinger-Dwyer ’15 and Jeff Janus ’15 have provided the answers to all these questions by starting the Tea Club.

Trullinger-Dwyer said, “The club is all about tea. I talk about the science aspect of it, and Jeff talks about a cultural aspect.”

A typical Tea Club meeting begins with an examination of both the scientific and cultural aspects of one unique tea. The members then get to drink the new tea while spending time talking and hanging out with one another. If cool tea isn’t enough to spark your interest, the club’s advisor, Professor Skora from the sociology department, brings baked goods to every meeting, so members get to eat too!

Last year, Trullinger-Dwyer and Janus drank tea with their friends frequently in their dorm, and Janus had the idea to transform their tea time into a club. The Tea Club had few attendees when it started at the beginning of the academic year, but after launching a snappy ad campaign, participation has increased. The club meets every two to three weeks. If you’d like to go to a meeting and try out a new exciting tea, look for a sign on the Lowry stairs. For questions or more information email Caitlyn at