While I know the new addition to the PEC will be nothing short of amazing, because it will not be complete this year, I think something could be done to improve the status of our current gym.† Along with most other students at Wooster, I applaud our school for expanding the gym and making it more user-friendly for current and future students, but I wonder if we could have some new equipment to put in now while we wait for the future PEC.† I believe that by replacing a few of the older and broken machines we could greatly improve the weight room experience.

After spending three years at Wooster I have grown to love the PEC.† It has a certain character to it, but with the new gym on the horizon, I think our workout room could use some of the newer machines now.† Currently, only a few ellipticals are in working order, one of which makes ridiculously loud noises when someone even thinks about stepping on it.† Some of the treadmills are broken or breaking down, which leads to embarrassing gym moments: you step on a treadmill, stretch for a second, turn on your iPod, and finally try to start the machine only to realize you’ve been standing on a broken treadmill for the past two minutes.† Because we don’t have many ellipticals or treadmills right now, I’m sure I have logged countless hours on the bikes, waiting and watching for someone to use up their allotted 30 minutes.† But too many times I have missed my chance by letting my attention wander.† Then I can only watch as someone else runs to the newly freed machine and I am forced to wait again.

Currently, if you plan to go to the gym between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. it is extremely hard to compete against the before dinner rush and the sports teams.† It is almost impossible to find an open machine, which means either running outside (which won’t be so easy in a month or two), or simply waiting around and stretching until someone gets off their machine.† With more working machines this would be less of an issue and more students could get a workout in before they head off to Lowry.† Right now, the current state of the gym seems to be turning people away rather than inviting them in.

I completely understand that the new gym will provide future solutions to the problems we’re facing right now, but for the remainder of the year I think it would be a valid option for Wooster to look into buying some of the new equipment earlier.† This way everyone could enjoy aspects of the new gym, even those of us who will be graduating this year.† By replacing the broken machines the College would please many more gym-goers.

I think that many students would feel more welcome to come to the gym more often.† Working out right now can be a hassle at times, planning when you think you’ll be able to go without having to compete with others to use a machine.† I am extremely excited for the upcoming gym and all of the amazing benefits it will undoubtedly have, but it would be a great if Wooster would think about getting at least a few new machines now.