I am sure that by now most come across the projector in Lowry playing music videos or seen the countless posters draped in red, yellow and green announcing coming events. Iím equally sure that most of you have no clue whatís happening. This Saturday marks the opening of ìAfrica Week” hosted by Ujamaa. President Hayet Rida í11; Vice President Audrey Allotey í11; Publicity Chairs Nana Akuffo-Sagoe í11 and Aisha St. Cyr í11; Secretary Blain Tesfaye í12 and Treasurer Promise Kamanga í12 have been working long and hard to give you, their fellow students, a chance to experience Africa at its finest.

Ujamaa is the African Awareness organization on campus who derives their name from the Swahili word meaning ìextended family” or ìfamily-hood.” They aim to make the campus aware of Africa and its cultures. As a result, every year Ujamaa has something unique and innovative to offer, and this year is no different. This yearís Africa Week takes place on Saturday Feb. 13 – 20. There are a series of events aimed at not only educating, but also entertaining the campus community and exposing us to a side of Africa we may not be aware of. ìRather than bombarding the campus with a series of talks, we would like to have events aimed at immersing people within our culture, showcasing our true lifestyle, how we live, what we eat, what we wear and what we listen to. We want everyone to feel African during this week,” said Rida. Thus, in an effort to create this feeling, a sequence of events has been planned for your enjoyment.

Starting things off on Saturday will be the Glow in the Dark pre-party in Lowry Ballroom, followed by a concert featuring the international super star Jesse Matador and finally, the after party called ëAya Masaai,í which you all may recognize from last year. On Sunday there will be an African chocolate tasting in Lowry Pit which everyone will have the opportunity to taste authentic Ghanaian chocolate.† Also, all are welcome to view the Lowry Wall. On Monday, Morag Neill í12 will be doing a presentation on Botswana in Babcock Hall, the final talk in the Ambassadorís Fireside series. Also, on Tuesday, the campus will get to witness the fun side of Ghanaian culture in an African Games night event. Finally, topping it all off is an African Banquet and Fashion on Saturday night. Hopefully we really will feel African during this week.