Tax season is upon us, but at least you can take a small bit of comfort in knowing even that can be made a little greener! Here are a few tips for green taxes:

1. Sort through your collection of receipts, pay stubs and the like. If you think you could cut this pile in half for 2010ís taxes, then do so! Accepting online payments through Pay Pal and keeping online copies of† receipts will make this pile of paper dramatically smaller for next year, and itíll be much easier to digitally sort through paperwork.

2. Filing your taxes with an online service can further reduce paper waste, and this also saves you the trouble of buying stamps and envelopes. If you owe money, you can charge it to a credit card or have it taken out of your refund ó and if you get a refund, you can have it electronically deposited (which means you get your money faster too!). TaxAct Online and Free File are both great websites for this.