The holiday season may be over, but that doesnít mean†††††† shopping is! Here are some green tips for your next errands run:

1.† Yes, size does matter. Buy your products in bulk to save you a little money and save companies the extra packaging.

2.† When possible, look for concentrated products. Much of what we buy is mostly water, and shipping the extra unnecessary† weight makes tranportation a little less efficient. Products that can be concentrated include juices, soda, shampoo and hair conditioner and all-purpose cleaners.

3.† Contrary to popular belief, a bathroom doesnít need to smell like flowers to be free of harmful bacteria. In fact, many products that claim to sterilize the bathroom also harm beneficial bacteria (and besides, you can never truly sterilize a bathroom anyway, despite what marketers tell you). A toilet brush and baking soda will typically get the job done.