by Ariana Goodwin darkness entering into my lungs, never knew such breathlessness could exist grasping for what i can’t see a spark of light, a spark of –– and the heavy thing on my chest presses, presses, presses in let me go mE Go …
haunted by the dusk of the year
by Sinclaire Gibson and as everyone slowly migrates inside,and people start to whisper about the first snow,and as the green of the grass hides below our feet,and the hiss of the radiator scares me when i first wake up,and as the moon hovers above the …
by Gianna Hayes ’26 And it was a sort of magic, the way the summer used to drag on spinning dizzy like the tire swing which whirled you ’round ’til perhaps you felt queasy. (I know I did.)Yes, it was some magic, how the blue-blurred …
September 19th
by Nate Hanson ’28 Warm September night,Streetlights painting the night,Concrete on my skin. Two souls whispered through the dark,Things heavy, Sink in the daylight. He needs me, I need him,Is this magic?
Elizabeth Kotora Ebony hits my chin.The smooth texturecalms me,prepares me,for what’s next.My thumb rests inits rightful spot.Its crook breatheswith life.It readies my fingersfor what’s next.My fingers hit the runwaymade of the materialthat calms me,Ready for action.With a flash, my other handand its tool are readyand …