Yaya Corley Contributing Writer Being Black in a world that doesn’t fully understand Blackness is exhausting. From the moment I step outside, I am aware of how my skin color shapes my experience. It’s a weight I carry daily, one I never chose but can …
Allyship is not enough
Bri Becerra Editor-in-Chief As Donald Trump enters the Oval Office for his second term, I have noticed an increase in discussions about allyship and support networks. This is all well and good — but what does it actually mean to be an ally? Allyship has …
Empathy epidemic & evil elections
Nemsie Gonzalez Managing Editor In the wake of the election, many are scrambling to understand what happened. Social media claims about the death of democracy, the end of America, the beginning of the end filling everyone with dread. But what I am more concerned about …
Racism toward Latinx people in immigration policy
Ari Salgado Contributing Writer Content warning: The following article contains depictions of racial discrimination in the United States, as well as a racial epitaph for Latin Americans. I’ve been reflecting on my memories back home. My most recent memories are of catching glimpses of thousands …