Julia Garrison News Editor A special thanks to those who tabled and especially those who inputted data on behalf of the Voice. An extra special thank you to Helen Oriatti-Bruns, Zach Perrier, Zanna Anderson, Amanda Crouse, Wyn Caudle, Gabriel McCreath, Lain Patton and Kiera McGuire. …
approval ratings
Departments respond to criticism and praise from anonymous students in Voice approval ratings survey
Julia Garrison News Editor Every semester after approval ratings data has been collected, departments surveyed have the opportunity to respond to the findings. This semester, departments were given a week to respond to the results — and many responded within the Voice’s timeframe for comment. …
The Voice’s approval ratings survey is out. What do the results show?
The Wooster Voice staff collected responses to their biannual survey the week before fall break. The survey allowed students to share feedback on departments across campus anonymously.
Various departments responded to their respective ratings and answered some students’ comments from The Voice’s approval ratings survey, while some abstained from responding.
Gianna Hayes News Editor Department offices were contacted with their results from The Wooster Voice’s fall 2024 approval ratings survey and were offered the chance to comment on the findings. Alexa Konstantinos, vice president of marketing and communications, responded on behalf of the President’s office, …
Faculty approval ratings survey reflects poorly on the future of Wooster
Emilie Eustace Tyler Rak Editors in Chief Ellen McAllister Managing Editor Between Dec. 13 and 27, 2023, a faculty survey was carried out on behalf of the Committee on Conference with Trustees, posing three open-ended questions to its participants: “What are ‘positive developments’ at the …
The Wooster Voice’s approval ratings reveal students’ opinions of departments across campus
Julia Garrison Gianna Hayes News Editors The Voice is dedicated to providing factual information reflecting the campus climate and allowing for an accurate representation of the attitudes of students, staff and faculty. From Jan. 30 to Feb. 2, section and managing editors tabled in Lowry …