By Isabella Diehl The Indiana bat is listed as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. It is important that we work on their conservation as the population continues to diminish. These bats are crucial parts of the ecosystem and provide many …
Science & Environment
Math professor’s algorithm predicts OHSAA games with 75% accuracy
By Abhinav Randive Anyone visiting Taylor Hall might run into Drew Pasteur, professor of mathematics. However, very few people would guess that he has been consistently predicting the outcomes of Ohio high school football games with high accuracy for the past decade. A NC State …
Sustainability over superstitions at Party for the Planet
by Sara Moore This past Friday, Oct. 13, was the first ever Party for the Planet which promoted sustainability and environmentally friendly activities both on and off campus. From 5-9 p.m., the Res Quad was filled with music, donuts, cider and tables that focused on …
ScotShare service offers new transportation option to students
by Caroline Ward Since the start of the 2023-24 academic year, The College of Wooster campus has seen a concentrated shift toward greater eco-consciousness and the implementation of new sustainability initiatives, including the appointment of Brian Webb as Wooster’s inaugural Director of Sustainability in August. …
Stress in STEM: Coping skills and College resources that may help
by Sanjana Venkataraman Alleviating stress in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields is crucial for individuals involved in these disciplines, whether as students or professionals. The complex concepts, demanding coursework and performance pressures inherent in STEM subjects often lead to significant stress levels. At …
An interstate effort to recover Allegheny woodrat populations
by Victoria Finizio When most people think of biodiversity, they might envision far-off rainforests and other tropical habitats. However, they would be remiss to ignore the wonderful selection of plants and animals right here in Ohio, especially in the Appalachian Mountains. In fact, The Nature …