Ellie Kahn Contributing Writer Professor Denise Bostdorff of the communications department is going to be conducting a research project in the coming semester regarding the rhetoric and language used by President-elect Donald Trump and the role it played in the 2016 presidential election. Bostdorff has …
College of Wooster observes TDOR
Lily Iserson Viewpoints Editor Before Thanksgiving Break, in a small and intimate group setting, students gathered on the steps of Kauke Hall in honor of the international Transgender Day of Remembrance. Traditionally held in late November, the vigil acknowledges transgender lives lost as a consequence …
Wooster faculty will serenade the College at upcoming symphony
Katie Cameron A & E Editor This Sunday, three faculty members at The College of Wooster are proud to present “Flights of Fancy,” a concert in Gault Recital Hall at the Scheide Music Center. Carrie Culver, a soprano, Hild Peerson, a clarinet player, and Brian …
Lettuce talk about Smoke
Daniel Sweat Features Editor When you first walk into Smoke: the Burger Joint, you think to yourself, “Wow, this is not as smoky as I anticipated.” Then, you take a breath of fresh, non-smoky air as you peruse Smoke’s expansive menu, thankful that they keep …
Moot Court teams qualify for National competition
Sally Kershner Features Editor After competing in the regional competitions at Loyola University Chicago and The College of Wooster, the College’s own Moot Court team has qualified six students so far for the National Competition. These three teams of two consisted of: Brad Van Tyne …
Professor Roche offers new class to better understand Trump
Brandon Bell Contributing Writer Next semester, Jeff Roche of the history department will teach a seminar focusing on the politics of Donald Trump and the history of the electorate that supported him. The course, “The Creation of Trump’s America,” draws inspiration from a mock syllabus …