Lily Iserson Chief Copy Editor Western music departments and Western cultures, according to percussion instructor Professor Jeff Neitzke, are sometimes victims of their own ethnocentricity. “There’s a tendency to view music and almost everything else through personal experience,” said Neitzke. “Yet music around the world …
Learning to dance is a ball with Ballroom Dance Club
Daniel Sweat Features Editor It’s near the end of the 18th century, and you’re a French aristocrat. The commoners are getting restless, but you’ve still got cool aristocratic stuff to get done, like trying not to get beheaded and preparing for the big ball. Anybody …
Lecture series returns with focus on environment
Ellie Kahn Contributing Writer As the world becomes increasingly more aware of the devastating effects of climate change, fully comprehending the effects on the environment, as well as the large role that we as a society have played within these changes can be a challenge. …
Don’t Throw Shoes throws down at improv tournament
Sally Kershner Features Editor The College of Wooster’s improvisational comedy group Don’t Throw Shoes (DTS) competed at the College Improv Tournament on Jan. 28 in Columbus, Oh. Returning to the stage this school year, DTS competed once again against other improv troupes from the lower …
It’s the final countdown
Daniel Sweat Features Editor With finals just around the corner, you’re probably wondering how you’re going to survive. By now, you’re spending significantly more time at the library than during those carefree days at the beginning of the semester. But just because the crushing pressure …
Model UN wins multiple awards at national conference
Sally Kershner Features Editor Over Thanksgiving Break, the College’s Model United Nations team (MUN) attended the annual fall conference for the American Model United Nations (AMUN) in Chicago, Ill. This year, the team represented the country of Senegal and earned multiple awards for their participation …