Sally Kershner Features Editor As college students, we often can’t get through our day without using our laptop, cell phones or tablets for homework, memes or writing “Happy Birthday!!!” on some distant Facebook friend’s wall. Now you’re thinking to yourself, “What are the ecological consequences …
Lawrence Wills to give lecture
Anna Hartig Contributing Writer It’s that time again: election time, that time when politicians try to persuade you to vote for them with soaring visions of the future or dystopian visions of the future. No matter what some of the candidates for various offices say, …
Geology department awarded grant
Sally Kershner Features Editor The College of Wooster geology department has been awarded a grant from the Keck Geology Consortium that will fund a five-week long research trip this summer. Nine students will be selected to take part in this research trip that will travel …
These doggone 4Paws pups are paws-itively delightful
Daniel Sweat Features Editor If you’re like me, you’ve probably seen these doggos with colorful vests wandering around the campus or hanging out in your classes. You’ve probably thought to yourself, “Wow, I wish I could learn more about those majestic beasts.” Well, now you …
Wooster Seniors approach certain, academic doom
Daniel Sweat Features Editor Well, it’s that time of year again. Spring Break is right around the corner, the weather’s starting to heat up and the Senior I.S. deadline looms in the not-so-distant future. If you’re a senior and you haven’t already turned in your …
Corner House residents volunteer with Cornerstone youth
Ellie Kahn Contributing Writer About once a week, each member of Corner House, a program house at The College of Wooster, travels to volunteer at the nearby Cornerstone Elementary School. Comprised of 16 students ranging in age from sophomores to seniors, with five being abroad …