Tristan Lopus Chief Copy Editor As an institution that exists in the 21st century and uses email, The College of Wooster continues to deal with the ubiquitous threat of phishing scams. With the prevalence of these sorts of scams at the school, it’s imperative to …
Scotlight: Sabrina Harris
Sabrina Harris ’19 discusses the opportunity to attend the Athens Democracy Forum, what she learned and how Model United Nations has changed her life. You just got back from Greece after being invited there for a conference! What did that entail? It was part of …
Religious studies department hosts annual lecture series
Larissa Lamarca Contributing Writer This year the department of religious studies is hosting their 50th annual lecture series. “Tikkum Olam: To Heal a Broken World” features a guest speaker every Wednesday for six weeks, starting Sept. 19 and continuing through Oct. 24. The talks will …
Scotlight: Mylo Parker-Emerson
A weekly inside look at the unique faces and personalities that make up The College of Wooster community. This past summer you did an internship with Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth in Seattle. What was that experience like for you? It was actually my …
C.O.W. English department to host renowned authors
Abby Everidge Staff Writer On Thursday, Sept. 27 at 7:00 p.m.,the English department will host a reading in room 045 of Ruth Williams Hall. This reading will feature authors Nafissa Thompson-Spires and Kiese Laymon and will be followed by a question and answer session, as …
Kate Manne discusses misogyny for Lindner Lecture in Ethics
Margy Adams Contributing Writer Last Wednesday. Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m., The College of Wooster’s philosophy department invited Professor Kate Manne of Cornell University to campus for the 13th Annual Lindner Lecture in Ethics. Lean Lecture Hall was packed with students, faculty and community members …