Kaylee Liu Contributing Writer Organized by the Wooster Volunteer Network (WVN), Rake-a-Difference is an an- nual service event connecting the College with the larger Wooster community. During Rake-a-Difference, students and volunteers rake yards in Wooster with their friends. It tends to be a fun, relaxing …
International Education Week celebrated at Wooster
Zoe Covey Features Editor International Education Week (IEW) is back again this year, and though the Culture Show is by far the most publicized event of the week every time it rolls around, many seem to forget that it is only the kick-off to a …
Booksgiving provides donated books for Wooster community
Zachary Milko Contributing Writer As Denzel Washington once said,“At the end it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished.It’sabout who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.” Wooster students love to em- brace holidays all year …
Three TREK courses offered by the College this summer
Waverly Hart Editor in Chief This summer, The College of Wooster is offering three TREKs for students to study abroad and immerse them- selves in a different environ- ment. TREKs stand for Think, Research, Engage, Know and are led by Wooster faculty and take place …
Just Work course addresses the stigma around jobs
Kaylee Liu Contributing Writer Just Work is a class defined as “an exploration of work with a focus on what makes work meaningful and what makes it dehumanizing.” Created by Chuck Kammer, profes- sor of religious studies and dean of academies of religion, it focuses …
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month at the Colleg
Ellie Kahn Features Editor While the past few de- cades have seen an increase in technological development — drastically improving the health, mobility and commu- nication of millions — this advancement has also led to heightened concern surround- ing privacy and digital safety. In an …