Olivia Proe Features Editor Two Wooster graduates returned to campus on Monday, Feb. 17 for the tenth annual Hochhauser Alumni Panel. Students and faculty gathered in Babcock Formal Lounge to hear from guests Dr. Aaron Lane-Davies ’90 and Elena Soyer ’17, former members of the …
Latinas Unidas hosts presentation and discussion
Olivia Proe Features Editor On Wednesday, Feb. 5, Latinas Unidas (LU) hosted the event “Cafe Con Leche.” Held in the new Latinx Lounge in Armington Hall, board members Annays Yacamán ’22, Mia Villavicencio-Eschinger ’22 and Margie Sosa ’20 led a discussion about colorism in the …
Deviance and Criminology teaches academics and empathy
Kaylee Liu Contributing Writer The “prison course” isn’t the friendliest nickname for a class, as one may be inclined to think of dreary and depressing lectures about the broken criminal justice system. At Wooster, however, the “prison course” refers to professor Anne Nurse’s Deviance and …
Wooster alumni running for United States Congress
Samuel Casey News Editor Did you know that some pretty famous politicians have graduated from Wooster? A governor of Idaho, deputy director of the FBI, vice chairman of the Federal Reserve and more have all walked these hallowed grounds with “Scotland the Brave” ringing in …
Hillel hosts events to honor Int’l Holocaust Memorial Day
Ellie Kahn Features Editor Observed each year on Jan. 27, International Holocaust Memorial Day serves as both an acknowledgement of the lives lost in the Holocaust and as a stark reminder to recognize and prevent similar acts of genocide today. In observance of the day, …
Black Student Association Lounge re-opens in Douglass Hall
Eleanor Linafelt Chief Copy Editor The Black Student Association (BSA) recently reopened their lounge in the basement of Douglass Hall which had been closed since last summer due to significant water damages from a flood that occurred in the building in June. The group held …