Megan Tunnerman Managing Editor Amidst this challenging semester, Teresa Ascencio ’23 and Victoria Silva ’23 are working to bring positive change to campus with the BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) Performing Arts Alliance. Ascencio explained that in her first semester at the College last fall, …
Greek Life rush events move to online format
Kaylee Liu Features Editor Lark Pinney Features Editor Rush season has rolled around again, like it does every fall here at the College. Under normal circumstances, rush would be an exciting semester of non-stop group gatherings, movie nights and events, both formal and informal. …
Global and International Studies panel aims to help students better understand current pandemic
Laura Haley Chief Copy Editor On April 28, the Global and International Studies (G&IS) department hosted a roundtable discussion titled “Contextualizing Pandemic” via Zoom for current and admitted students from the class of 2024. The meeting featured G&IS professors, Matthew Krain of the political science …
PPR 2020 discusses the state of politics during annual retreat
Kidi Tafesse Contributing Writer This past weekend, students, staff and faculty joined to partake in the annual PossePlus Retreat (PPR). Situated in Salt Fork Park Lodge, a two-hour drive away from the College, this year’s participants were treated to the fun exercises and valuable activities …
New initiative works to highlight individuals on campus
Chloe Burdette Managing Editor Have you ever wanted to share your own unique story with others around you? Do you wonder if others in The College of Wooster community have shared a similar experience? Do you want to feel more unified with your classmates at …
COWBelles hosts annual benefit concert for OneEighty
Kaylee Liu Contributing Writer This past Wednesday, Feb. 26, an important event for women’s health and reproductive rights was held on campus — We Can’t Keep Quiet: A Benefit Concert for OneEighty, hosted by the all-treble a cappella group COWBelles. The concert itself was nothing …