Robbie Kugler ’27 Where is home? Home is hidingProblems with comfortAnd memories.So many memories thatWe love to forget.So many thingsWe leave behind. It’s like Giovanni said.You always have a home to go back to,As long as you never go back.You’re always welcome, unlessYou’re not. What …
A Home Imagined
Henry Walter-Wilde ’27 I am from long walks around the farm spent dreaming of infinity. I’m from every castle I ever built, thousands of blocks stacked up high. I’m from my mom’s laptop, where I did and missed so much. I’m from every magic spell …
Dream Journal
by Maggie Young
Dream Dictionary
by Gabriel McCreath to hear dark evening chords of swampland frogsong. to drive through a thick fog. to sleep like the racoon in a heap of fur on the curb. if the road can kill, then the road can raise to a place of honor— …
Swirling Sleep
by Wyn Caudle I lay down in my bed A soft cool pillow against my cheek A hum from the fan below I wait as my dreams reach and my brain becomes bleak I wake floating above Colors at last dancing out and soaring Swirling …