Camryn Rosenstein Contributing Writer Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana (D&G) have been a powerhouse collective in the fashion industry for the last 34 years. Through minor hiccups, such as filing for bankruptcy and being hacked on social media, D&G continues to be one of the …
Arts & Entertainment
The Scene – “Heard it in a Past Life”: Strength through change
Maggie Rogers’ album “Heard it in a Past Life” debuted at no. 2 on the Billboard 200 in the week of Feb. 2. It is Rogers’ first full-length studio album and details Rogers’ life since gaining fame in 2016 from a master class she participated …
Minecraft is an underrated creative platform
L.J. Martin Contributing Writer Minecraft, following a massive uptick in overall popularity following its acquisition by Microsoft — related in no small part to its expanded cross-platform compatibility — is regarded by many as a game first and foremost for children. This is, however, more …
“The Normal Heart” presents a universal view on activism
Holly Engel A&E Editor Love is something everyone deserves. Unfortunately, as W. H. Auden’s poem “September 1, 1939” reminds us, honest-to-goodness love is hard to come by, that it “Is true of the normal heart / ” he writes, “For the error bred in the …
Netflix’s “You” romanticizes the dangers of obsession
Korri Palmer Contributing Writer In honor of Valentine’s Day (a.k.a. the capitalist holiday that equates money with love), I figured I’d review Netflix’s new romantic thriller, “You.” At first glance, I saw the poster and was like, “Hey that’s Daniel Humphrey from “Gossip Girl” and …
Netflix’s “You” romanticizes the dangers of obsession
Korri Palmer Contributing Writer In honor of Valentine’s Day (a.k.a. the capitalist holiday that equates money with love), I figured I’d review Netflix’s new romantic thriller, “You.” At first glance, I saw the poster and was like, “Hey that’s Daniel Humphrey from “Gossip Girl” and …