Claire Wineman Senior Staff Writer The first thing I noticed upon walking into Jules Davis ’19’s senior Independent Study (I.S.) exhibition, “Making Space,” was the large black and white drawing taking up one of the walls. While it is the quietest aspect of the multi-media …
Arts & Entertainment
The Scene: Down with Genre Snobs
Of all the grand traditions in the history of mankind’s consumption of music, genre snobbery has to be one of the oldest and most powerful. Since time immemorial, music nerds have been yelling at each other until they are blue in the face, decrying the …
Spring Dance Concert displays collaborative artistry
Claire Wineman Senior Staff Writer As much as we invoke the phrase “Independent Minds, Working Together” here at Wooster — both seriously and ironically — there’s never a shortage of ways for us to experience it at work around campus. We are constantly in cooperation …
Student – curated prints exhibit to open at CWAM
Eleanor Linafelt Chief Copy Editor Out of the 6,000 prints in The College of Wooster Art Museum (CWAM) collection, Professor of Art History Tracy Cosgriff chose 30 for her students in her History of Prints seminar this semester to study and use to curate the …
The Scene: Billie Eilish’s music style suits any mood
Billie Eilish has been my most shocking discovery of 2018-2019: a 17-year-old girl with so much vocal talent that’s mesmerizing, but creativity that is a bit concerning. Billie just released her debut album “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?” and it truly …
Upcoming film festival showcases new student works
Erika Purdy Contributing Writer This Saturday, April 6, The Goliard — Wooster’s student-run literary magazine — will hold its second annual Student Film Festival. The event will take place in The Alley from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The first film festival was held two years …