Waverly Hart Editor in Chief Among every class of Wooster students, there are talented student musicians. You might see them perform at Covers, hear them singing in the shower, or, for the bigger on-campus groups, listen to them open for a big-name artist. Rat Queen, …
Arts & Entertainment
YouTuber Daz Black adds flavor to the life of his viewers
Elena Morey A&E Editor Since the conception of YouTube, various individuals have gained substantial fame and influence using the platform to launch a career. From YouTubers whose names are known worldwide, to those who have a small but loyal following, YouTuber Daz Black is somewhere …
Tyler the Creator redefines masculinity
Kamal Morgan Contributing writer Vulnerability is the least desired act that any individual wants imposed on their bodies. Black male vulnerability is a double-edged sword of susceptibility to the will of others and the inability to express themselves out of the context of being a …
Look behind the scenes at Freedlander Theatre
Megan Tuennerman A&E Editor It is a Thursday night, you have your homework done and you look for something to do. You look at the weekly schedule and see there is a show going on in Freedlander Theatre! You head on over and watch your …
“It: Chapter Two” does not live up to expectations
Colin Tobin Contributing Writer “It: Chapter Two” is the sequel to the highly successful “It” film and is once again directed by Andy Muschietti. The film stars Jessica Chastain, James McAvoy, Bill Hader and Bill Skarsgård. “It” picks up 27 years after the events of …
“Four Weddings and a Funeral”: Movie to t.v.
Megan Tuennerman Fans who are wed to the original “Four Weddings and a Funeral” movie may not fall in love with the T.V. show with the same name — but those who like the premise of the original will quickly find a new favorite in …