Julia Garrison News Editor Wooster alumni and students are circulating a second letter regarding the administration’s lack of response to the Israel-Hamas war and President Anne McCall’s deletion of a campus-wide email sent by faculty on Jan. 30. Opened for signage on March 4, the …
AAUP calls upon McCall to protect first amendment rights
Julia Garrison News Editor Wooster’s American Association of United Professors (AAUP) chapter addressed the campus community and — more specifically— President Anne McCall in a Feb. 22 open letter. They promoted an upcoming series of open discussions for the entire community about “academic freedom and …
Student journalism is the lifeblood of higher education institutions
Julia Garrison, News Editor for the Voice, stresses the importance of student journalism on campuses.
Strange odor plaguing Wooster on Monday leaves residents asking questions
Julia Garrison News Editor Early Monday morning, areas of the College campus smelled strongly of gas, igniting concerns of a building gas leak or another internal issue within the College. Around 8:30 a.m., Facilities Operations Manager Erica Adams-Gowins addressed the campus community to inform them …
McCall reiterates ZWD list policy in new letter to the community, but little mention of which policy was violated by Kauke sit-in event
Julia Garrison News Editor President McCall sent a “periodical letter” to the campus community on Feb. 14 to reiterate statements from her State of the College Address a few weeks prior. In the email, she highlighted ongoing cultural events and milestones for the College, such …
The Wooster Voice’s approval ratings reveal students’ opinions of departments across campus
Julia Garrison Gianna Hayes News Editors The Voice is dedicated to providing factual information reflecting the campus climate and allowing for an accurate representation of the attitudes of students, staff and faculty. From Jan. 30 to Feb. 2, section and managing editors tabled in Lowry …