The College of Wooster promotes itself as a bastion of social justice: a school that, according to our graduate qualities, “actively promotes equity and inclusion, demonstrates ethical judgment and work towards a just society, exhibits a commitment to community, civic engagement and serving others, and …
The College needs more functional spaces
Ping-pong? Nope. Usable pool-tables? Who needs those? Bowling Alleys? Ah, maybe if you find an open weekend to go visit the lanes in the next town over. With the closure of Scot-Lanes, and having “The Alley” take up its former space, we now have more …
Public shaming does not achieve justice
Why is it we always assume that wrong that is brought to the light will be corrected with the occasional revolt against it? Why do we, as a society, assume that entrenched patriarchy, nepotism and gender insensitivity will be abolished by an elaborate editorial in …
Search begins to fill Provost position
Laura Haley News Editor As a result of current Provost Carolyn Newton announcing her retirement at the end of the academic year, the College appointed search consultant Susan VanGilder of Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates to aid in the search process. On Monday, Oct. 15, VanGilder visited …
County Commissioner’s Office holds panel on jail
Claire Wineman Staff Writer On Tuesday, Oct. 2, the Office of Civic and Social Responsibility hosted a voter education discussion regarding the 0.3 percent tax levy on the Wayne County ballot in November, from which funds would be used to construct a new jail. Speakers …
WOO91 members organize petition and panel
Claire Montgomery Senior News Writer If you ask the WOO91 management team what resource they would like the most, the answer would be time. In an email sent to the campus community over the summer, Dean of Students Scott Brown announced that the College’s student-run …