Julia Garrison
News Editor
Following a recent software update to campus dining’s point-of-sale system, students have been unable to utilize flex dollars (until using a meal swipe) at two locations on campus: Old Main Café and Knowlton Science Café. Marjorie Shamp, director of campus dining, assured students in a correspondence with the Voice that campus dining is aware of the issue and estimates a restoration of flex services at both locations following spring break.
Campus dining locations across campus utilize two softwares to execute transactions: ITC Systems and Truffle Systems. Shamp explained that –– when a transaction occurs –– Truffle communicates the sale to the ITC system, “which verifies that the meal plan holder has the funds necessary.”
“During a recent software update, the flex payment option was accidentally removed by the software development team at Truffle Systems. We noticed it immediately and requested that the flex payment option is restored,” Shamp said in her message to the Voice. The swipe-to-flex exchange rate is currently eight dollars. This change, although temporary, means that students will only have the option to utilize swipes at these locations unless they go over the $8 threshold, at which point they are charged on their flex.
In her message, Shamp also noted that campus dining emails have now been integrated to the Wooster student weekly Microsoft Sway which is sent to students on Tuesday of every week –– stating that this change provides a “more focused source of information and [limits] the number of emails that students must read to stay informed.”
The Dean of Students also sent an email to the community on behalf of Shamp on March 10, announcing that all meal plans will contain an additional five swipes per week. The email noted that when the change is reversed, plans will revert back to their original number of swipes. The Voice will continue to report on campus dining updates and developments as the year progresses.