Andi Harvey

Contributing Writer

You have all likely heard about Ohio’s notorious “bathroom bill” (SB 104), which bans multi-occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms in school buildings from kindergarten through college. While I could talk about how this law fits into the United States’ wider attacks against trans bodies, that trend has been widely documented by individuals much more articulate than I. Instead, I want to discuss the college administration’s unnecessarily early compliance with this law.

On Jan. 30, President Anne McCall sent out an email detailing the College’s response to this legislation, in which she stated that “starting the week of February 10th,” staff “will be verifying that bathroom signage is compliant across campus, including in residence halls.” Presumably, this “bathroom signage” will follow the guidelines set forth in the bill that changes single-occupancy gender-neutral bathrooms to family bathrooms. However, the school has not specified how the multi-occupancy gender-neutral restrooms — like the one on my floor — will be altered. As a trans person on campus, I have heard many conflicting rumors, but not clear communication regarding my own bathroom.

To be clear, I am not arguing that the school should defy the law. However, SB 104 does not officially go into effect until Feb. 25, meaning the school has entered a two-week period of unnecessary compliance. Why rush to comply with a law that only harms your student population? This, combined with the school’s failure to provide clear messaging regarding their strategy, shows an administration more concerned with outward appearance than with protecting its trans population.

It would be easier for the administration if we complied in silence, but doing so would just further harm those who cannot hide so easily. Despite their complicity, we must not be complicit as well. Hold your trans friends close in these scary times.