Kiera McGuire ’27

Features Editor

On Friday, Aug. 30, College of Wooster students gathered at the Scot Center from 4:30 to 7:00 p.m. to learn about the clubs and organizations offered for the upcoming school year. Over 85 organizations were in attendance, including Fraternity and Sorority Life, club sports and performance groups.
Students got a feel for typical events on campus through organizations such as Wooster Volunteer Network, Wooster Activities Crew (WAC) and Model United Nations, providing a wide range of events designed for students to have fun and participate in.

“[WAC] has some big [events] like Party on the Green, Casino Night and Springfest, but we also hold more low key events like craft nights, game nights and field days on almost a weekly basis,” WAC member Victoria Finizio ’27 said. “Whether people are creative and can help generate ideas for our events, or they’re organized and can help execute the logistics of our events, there is a place for everyone.”
While organizations like WAC are designed to appeal to all students, other organizations unite communities of people who share common interests. The Ballroom Dance Club, for instance, is open to “anyone who is willing to learn.” According to Katelyn Barnes ’27, “You don’t need a partner to join. You meet people and make friends at the meetings.”

While Scot Spirit Day is promoted to first year and sophomore students, everyone is welcome to look around at the clubs and sign up. If you are interested in the clubs, they are interested in you!
To garner interest at tables, many clubs gave out promotional materials and food. For example, Physics Club offered liquid nitrogen-dipped marshmallows, which turned the normally soft treat into a brittle, cold snack. WAC had popcorn bags at their table with a popcorn-themed paper detailing meeting dates and locations. The Live Action Role Play (LARP) Club dressed up in costumes to creatively advertise their organization. Other clubs, such as the Greenhouse Club and WOODS, had a variety of stickers and candy to choose from once a student signed up for the email list. WOO91, Wooster’s student-run radio station, played the music for the event, grabbing the attention of attendees.

Scot Spirit Day ended with a performance from both The College of Wooster Pipe Band Scot Marching Band, energizing the room with live music. Ending on a high note from the band was an inspiring way to end the day and left people feeling excited for the new year at Wooster.