Elizabeth Kotora

Ebony hits my chin.
The smooth texture
calms me,
prepares me,
for what's next.

My thumb rests in
its rightful spot.
Its crook breathes
with life.
It readies my fingers
for what's next.

My fingers hit the runway
made of the material
that calms me,
Ready for action.
With a flash, my other hand
and its tool are ready
and waiting.

I place it in its
designated area.
The hair brushes

I take a breath
and out.
Eyelashes brush
my cheekbones before they
flutter open.

And then

I strike.

Inspired by the violin

Written by

Gabriel McCreath

Gabriel McCreath is one of the Creative Section editors for the Wooster Voice. He is a Religious Studies major. He is from Waltham, Massachusetts.