So, as The Voice’s photo editors, we have no idea how to write an article. As we accept the realities of graduation, we’ve thought back on all our time at Wooster. We’ve made mistakes and learned a lot, but also had the best college experience we could have ever imagined. Here is some advice we wish we’d listened to…

Maddie – Love Lowry. Befriend the employees at the College. Utilize the writing center and APEX. They are excited to help you write I.S. and explore your career options!

Angela – Take classes that aren’t in your major. Speak up in class. Go to Lowry by yourself and sit with a stranger. College is all about getting out of your comfort zone.

M – LEARN HOW TO PARTY. Even if you have work that’s keeping you from going out, hang out for an hour! You will remember that hour more than you will remember your grade on that paper.

A – LEARN HOW TO DRESS. Be bold with your style. You never know when Woo Street Style is watching…

M – Attend events! And shows! They are free! And usually open you up to a different cultural view and it may surprise you how much you enjoy a choir concert or a speaker.

A – UGBingo>UGTrivia

M – UGTrivia>UGBingo

A & M – Most importantly, be selfish. Hang out with who you want to hang out with, do what you want to do and

“Bow down bitches” -— Beyoncé Knowles. H.A.G.S.!