Julia Garrison

News Editor

John Reynolds, director of residence life, sent emails from the office of residence life on Monday, March 10 that outlined updates on student housing, including the renovation of Compton Hall.

In one email to the student body, Reynolds sent a renovation feedback form for Compton Hall on behalf of residence life and campus facilities. The survey collects information on students’ opinions on proposed changes to Compton, including its first-floor formal living room, common spaces and its outdoor patio space. Students had the option to select what potential use they would prefer for the large formal living room, located on the first floor. These options included a study space, a café with café seating, sensory rooms or an additional kitchen. 

Students were also polled on whether or not a common space on each floor would be beneficial to them, and whether or not it would be beneficial to relocate the laundry room closer to the basement common lounge.

The outdoor patio space was also presented for students’ opinions on its design, with seven options available for students to choose from. A seventh option allowed students to specify other changes outside of the six options. The patio space renovation ideas included a quiet study space with seating, a social gathering space, an outdoor dining area, a performance and event space for open mic nights and concerts, green space with plants and relaxation area and a recreational area.

Students were also given a space to provide any additional suggestions for the Compton Planning Team, and could request to be contacted by the planning team for a group student interview.

Reynolds’s other email focused on spring health and safety inspections, which will take place in residence halls on March 14, from 4-9 p.m. and March 15, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Small houses and apartments will be inspected beginning March 17 at 10 a.m., and will be completed by the end of the day.

Per Reynolds’s message, the inspections will take five to 15 minutes depending on the size of the space. Residence life staff will knock and announce themselves prior to entering a space — and Reynolds notes that staff members inspecting spaces will travel in groups of two.

Reynolds advised students to do the following to ensure they are in compliance with the inspection:

  • Remove all perishable food items from refrigerators and common areas.
  • Empty all trash and recycling bins.
  • Clean out microwaves, stoves and any other appliances.
  • Unplug all electronics and appliances except for refrigerators (if keeping food) and fish tanks.
  • Ensure all windows are securely closed and locked.
  • Pull down blinds or close curtains.
  • Set your thermostat to a 68 degrees or moderate setting (if applicable) to conserve energy.
  • All room and suite doors must be locked before leaving for break.
  • Store any valuables and take any needed items with you before departing. 

Written by

Julia Garrison

Julia Garrison is the News Editor for the Wooster Voice. From Morgantown, West Virginia, she is an English and Global Media and Digital Studies double major with a pathway in digital and visual storytelling. At Wooster, she covers administrative and faculty news. She also designs visuals for stories.