Claire Allison McGuire ’27

Features Editor

A full patio, full stomachs and full hearts. On Sunday, September 1, Latinas Unidas (LU) hosted Carne Asada, their first event of the 2024-2025 academic year. LU is a social organization aimed at celebrating and supporting the Latina community at Wooster. LU also showcases Latinx culture, traditions and pride to all students. By providing Latina students with mentorship and support, LU aims to empower the Latinx community on campus.

LU hosts their Carne Asada event every year to celebrate the new academic year and welcome new students to the organization. Held on the patio outside of Armington Hall, the event included authentic Latin American food, music and a celebration of Latin American culture.

From freshmen coming to their first club meeting to seniors enjoying a break from their Independent Study, everyone was welcome at the event. “[I] love the event, coming out to support LU, and being in the atmosphere,” said Somarr Elliot ’25, a longstanding LU member.

Willow Rodriguez ’26, also a returning member of LU, enjoys all of their events: “It’s great community-building.” Among the familiar faces of LU, new members came to join in on the fun. “I’ve not been to an LU anything before, but this is really exciting. I’m really glad I came. I’m not going to lie, I’m mostly here for the food, but the company so far is wonderful. I definitely want to come to more events,” said Nora Loffredo ’25, first-time attendee of the club’s event. Regardless of what they came for, all attendees enjoyed the fun and welcoming atmosphere.

Carne asada is not only a delicious steak meal, it is also a phrase used in Hispanic cultures to signify the social gathering of family and close friends. LU aims to create that kind of community through this event. Of course, carne asada, or bistec, was not the only thing on the menu. Chicken, arroz rojo, frijoles, two aguas frescas, guacamole and salsa were also served, giving plenty of options for those in attendance and breaking out the grill for fresh and homemade food.

Co-vice president of communication for the organization Lily Romo ’24 believes the event is critical to building the LU community. “We like [to do] this event right after Scot Spirit Day so new members and returning members get an opportunity to meet us, get to know us and enjoy some good food. We want to thank everyone who helped us make this event possible with preparations and cleanup.” It takes a village to organize and set up an event like this, but luckily LU has a village ready to support their needs.
It is commonly said that food is the way to the heart, but at this year’s Carne Asada, it was much more. The making of new friends, community building and cozy conversations over warm food led those in attendance to make some room for LU in their hearts.

To keep up with Latina Unidas’ upcoming events and meetings, follow @woosterlatinasunidas on Instagram.