Company recalls defective baby slings

Infantino LCC has recalled 1 million baby sling products in the United States and 15,000 in Canada. The Consumer Product Safety Commission† (CPSC) warned that the slings hold babies in curled positions that restrict the airway. There have been a number of infant deaths in the last year because of this problem. Infantino is offering to replace slings with the consumerís choice of several different products. Currently, the CPSC is working on a mandatory safety standard for baby slings.

Elementary reading statistics disappoint

In a sampling of more than 178,000 fourth graders, the national report card for reading in 2009 resulted in an increase in only three states (Kentucky, Rhode Island and District of Columbia). However, four states saw decreases (Alaska, New Mexico, Iowa and Wyoming) in their fourth gradersí reading ability prompting Education Secretary Arne Duncan to say, ìTodayís results once again show that achievement of American students isnít growing fast enough.”